Latest News

Can you deal with Cardiac Arrest in the workplace?
Can you deal with Cardiac Arrest in the workplace?
Can you deal with Cardiac Arrest in the workplace?

Often a cardiac arrest occurs without prior warning and if you are not properly equipped or trained to deal with the situation in the first ten minutes, it could be fatal.

How to add "ICE" to your Mobile Phone
How to add
How to add "ICE" to your Mobile Phone

Adding ICE ("In Case of Emergency") to your phone is a clever means by which emergency personnel can locate your next of kin when something goes wrong.

Leicestershire County Council Contract Award
Leicestershire County Council Contract Award
Leicestershire County Council Contract Award

First Response First Aid Ltd have been awarded the Health & Safety Training contract for Leicestershire County Council.

Our Save a Life Campaign is up and running
Our Save a Life Campaign is up and running
Our Save a Life Campaign is up and running

This will be a great opportunity for you to learn and practice new skills, or brush up on your existing knowledge.

Save a Life Campaign
Save a Life Campaign
Save a Life Campaign

We're very excited to announce the launch of our Save A Life Campaign

New Office
New Office
New Office

We are all so excited to be moving into our new office!